Analysis of the different winning strokes in professional padel: male vs. Female
Deportes de Raqueta, Indicador de Rendimiento, Género, World Padel TourAbstract
Padel is one of the most booming sports today, however, more documents are needed to analyze the performance indicators in top-level competitions. The general objective of this research was to analyze the performance indicators in top-level competitions according to sex. The sample consisted of twelve matches (six men's and six women's) from the final rounds of different World Padel Tour tournaments in 2021, with a total of 1451 number of points. Variables related to the achievement of the point (Type of winning shot, Type of shot, Direction of the shot, Player, Area of the field) and to the dynamics of the game (Number of shots, Achievement of the point) were recorded. The results showed differences between the men's and women's matches, making percentage comparisons of the duration of the point and obtaining them, being able to observe how the game is slower in the women's matches and the variety of getting points is much greater than in the men's matches. Although in both modalities being close to the net is decisive, highlighting the shot, especially in the men's competitions, and the volleys, forehand and backhand, as the most used shots to achieve them. The serve will provide a significant advantage over the rest because they will be placed near the net.
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