Use of games as a didactic resource in teaching and learning processes: Perception of teachers in the school system
Juego como recurso didáctico
Game, perception, didactics, teacher, strategyAbstract
Introduction: Play is present in every age range, assuming a very important role in the learning and maturation of children. Play makes a great contribution to social, cognitive and emotional development, in addition to its playful sense, it favors creativity, socialization and school coexistence, especially in early childhood. Objective: This research aims to identify the perception of primary and secondary school teachers regarding play as a didactic resource in the teaching and learning processes. Methodology: Sample composed of 16 teachers from a convenience sample, using semi-structured interviews and focus groups as data collection techniques. The reduction and analysis complied with the following steps: transcription, coding and subsequent categorization. Results: Play is an essential element in the life and education of children, youth and adults. In relation to the above, teachers describe positive sensations and learning through play, being a common factor in the classes of the various school disciplines. Conclusions: The perspective of the educators regarding the use of play is diverse in its application and frequency, however, the notion, relevance and meaning of play as a didactic resource is shared.
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