Analysis of the throws by the handball players of Atlético Petróleos de Luanda
observational methodology, polar coordinate analysis, goalkeeperAbstract
The aim of this research was to study the throws of the most prominent players from Atlético Petróleos de Luanda, one of the most important female handball teams in Angola and Africa. Using an observational, nomothetic, specific, and multidimensional technique design, an ad hoc observation tool was developed to record throws executed during positional attacks by four players in 12 matches of the 2018/19 season. Polar coordinates analysis allowed us to understand the elements of the game context (opposing defensive system, specific positions played, offensive systems, and employed group offensive tactics) that facilitated or hindered the execution of throws. Additionally, behavior patterns at the moment of the throw were examined for the analyzed players, including their location, ball trajectory, and throw distance. The results indicated that the analyzed elements of the game context provided different possibilities for action for each player. Furthermore, it was observed that behavior patterns for throws were specific to each studied player and changed according to the specific position played. The findings can be valuable in designing training programs to enhance the goalkeeper's anticipation ability.
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