Teacher Training and Motivational Climate in Physical Education: Secondary School Student Perception
Secondary Education , Motivation, Basic Psychological NeedsAbstract
The interpersonal supportive style addressing basic psychological needs used by teachers improve the motivational climate of classes. This quasi-experimental study analysed whether the training of Physical Education teachers impacted the motivational climate of classes. A total of 98 students (M ± SD: 13.30 ± 1.22 years) and four teachers from various public secondary schools in Huelva participated. Two teachers received training with a previously validated program. Specifically, both teachers received training in motivational climate. They reported improvements in the interpersonal supportive style for autonomy, which in turn translated into the satisfaction of these needs (highlighting novelty), reduced frustration in the need for autonomy, and increased support for competence and social relatedness needs. Additionally, more self-determined behaviours increased. The intention to continue being physically active also increased. However, the two teachers who did not receive training did not cause improvements in their classes regarding the motivational climate, only in the intention to be physically active. Teachers should receive training to improve their interpersonal style, which involves increasing support for basic psychological needs and, in turn, decreasing control.
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