Temporal analysis of bilateral index in bench press with different loads in male handball players
Bilateral deficit, Bilateral facilitation, Upper limbs, Time seriesAbstract
Objective: To describe the bilateral index (BI) during the push phase of the bench press exercise to analyze bilateral facilitation and deficit across different loads using time series analysis. Method: Eighteen handball players (22.1 ± 3.8 years; 84.5 ± 15.9 kg; 179.3 ± 7.6 cm and BMI 26.2 ± 4.1) performed bench press exercises using functional electromechanical dynamometry. The exercises were conducted bilaterally and unilaterally, with both skilled and unskilled upper limbs, using loads set at 40%, 60%, and 75% of maximum isometric contraction. Time series analysis was utilized to calculate the BI, with trend assessment conducted through graphical and descriptive analysis. Dynamic time warping was used to recognize patterns and group those with similar characteristics. Results: There are periods of facilitation and deficit that vary in duration and magnitude with the different loads studied. Conclusions: Considering the time series of force over time during the bench press push leads to a different interpretation of BI than that obtained with Fmax. The grouping of the series suggests the existence of a predominant pattern independent of the load with which the exercise is performed, where BLF occurs in the final stage of the exercise.
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