Sports retirement transition of professional handball athletes: a systematic review


  • Jose Cuenca Facultad de Deporte. Universidad Católica de Murcia
  • Ana María Gallardo Facultad de Deporte. Universidad Católica de Murcia
  • Carlos Chavarría Ortiz Escuela Universitaria de Osuna
  • Rafael Baena González Escuela Universitaria de Osuna



sports retirement, collective sports, sports career, retirement, sports transition


Sports retirement is something inherent to sport, it is a stage that all professional athletes must face. In handball, sporting retirement is a transition to another working life, given that the majority of athletes must continue working at the end of their sporting career. The objective of the present study was to carry out a systematic review with the prism method on the end of the career of athletes in general and within team sports in particular. The databases consulted were Web of science (6 articles), Scopus (3 articles), Pubmed (4 articles) and Google Scholar (12 articles). Only 10 meet the inclusion criteria. The results indicate how the variables that describe the retirement of an athlete such as age, social, personal and psychological factors affect. Those athletes who plan their retirement from sports in advance report better results, those who do not face a costly period of adaptation to real life. The study reveals the need to investigate the end of the stage of professional athletes, to make the transition with better guarantees of success for the player, the club and the social agents that surround both.


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How to Cite

Sports retirement transition of professional handball athletes: a systematic review. (2025). E-Balonmano Com Journal Sports Science, 21(2), 193-204.