Differences in the final actions of golden points between male and female professional padel
racquet sport, performance, sex, winner, errorAbstract
The study analysed the differences in the final actions of golden points in men's and women's professional padel, taking into account the characteristics of the point, as well as the type of stroke used by the winning pair of the point. A total of 418 golden points from 77 matches of the World Padel Tour 2023 season were analysed by systematic observation. The results indicated that there were more golden points per set (p=.032) and more strokes per point in women (p=.030). Error was the most common way to score points, with 10% more winners in men (RTC=2.8). Gender differences were observed in the types of final strokes. With regard to winners, were dominated by smash and recovery smashes in men and forehand volleys in women. With regard to the error generators, in addition to the smash, men caused 18% more errors with the backhand volley. In the women's category, the lob and the viper/bandeja are the shots that cause the most errors. In conclusion, in men's padel, the smash and recovery smash are fundamental, while in women's padel, the forehand volley, lob and the viper/bandeja are the most common. These findings are of significant importance for coaches and players when planning specific training sessions by category.
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