Analysis of the use and effectiveness of the volley in padel: validation of the VAOP instrument


  • Adrián Escudero-Tena Universidad de Extremadura
  • Bernardino J. Sánchez-Alcaraz Universidad de Murcia
  • Rafael Conde-Ripoll Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Diego Muñoz Universidad de Extremadura
  • Iván Martín-Miguel Universidad de Extremadura



padel, racket, technical-tactical action, performance, content validity, reliability


The purpose of this study was to design and validate an observation instrument to know the characteristics of the padel volley, when, where and by whom it is performed and its effectiveness. Eleven experts participated in the process and had to meet the five inclusion criteria. Aiken's V coefficient and confidence intervals were used to calculate content validity and Cronbach's α coefficient to analyze reliability. The judges evaluated the appropriateness and wording of the fifteen designed items that were part of the initial instrument. After their assessment, two variables were eliminated for obtaining values <.91 in Aiken's V coefficient in the adequacy. The rest of the variables were modified in their wording, according to the qualitative assessments of the experts, or were considered correct. The reliability of the instrument was acceptable, (α=.89). The VAOP instrument is very novel, as it is of interest to analyze the use and effectiveness of the padel volley.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the use and effectiveness of the volley in padel: validation of the VAOP instrument. (2025). E-Balonmano Com Journal Sports Science, 21(2), 179-192.