Ball reversal as performance indicator in female basketball
match analysis, women's basketball, performance indicators, team sportsAbstract
The aim of the study was to determine whether ball reversal is a performance indicator in women’s basketball. Its influence on various in-game performance variables (shots, rebounds, opposition, etc.) was analysed. A total of 6007 ball possessions from 64 games in the 2020/2021 season of the Liga Femenina Endesa, organized by the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB), were analysed. Observational methodology was employed for defining and recording variables, and data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, the Chi-Square test, and one-way ANOVA. The results revealed that ball reversal had a significant impact on possession outcomes (p < 0.001). Specifically, it was associated with a higher number of shot attempts and points scored, an increase in offensive rebounds, and a reduction in turnovers. Incorporating ball reversal during possessions enhances the probability of success, translating into a greater number of points per possession. These findings suggest that ball reversal can thus be considered a performance indicator in women's basketball.
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