Analysis of the differences in the technical-tactical performance indicators in The FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 according to the final classification
women's soccer, performance profiles, final classificationAbstract
The Women’s World Cup is the most important international tournament in women’s soccer worldwide. Despite the various challenges women’s soccer has faced throughout history, it has become a highly relevant sports discipline. The aim of this research was to analyze the Performance Indicators of the teams participating in the 2023 Women’s World Cup. Specifically, it sought to identify the performance profiles of each group based on the final classification and analyze these indicators according to the final ranking of the 2023 Women’s World Cup. Using Z-scores, performance profiles were constructed for the groups according to their final classification. Additionally, a linear mixed-effects model was conducted, controlling for the random factor of participating teams, revealing significant differences based on the final ranking in the attack, defense and referee-related action categories. Notably, differences were observed between the group that only participated in the Group Stage and the other groups. These findings provide specific information to the coaching staff of women’s national soccer teams, offering an analysis of strengths, weaknesses and game trends in this sport. This insight enables more detailed preparation for future matches, tailored to the context of women’s soccer.
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