The Influence of Boccia Classification on the Performance in International-level Events


  • Cátia C. Ferreira Research Group in Optimization of Training and Performance Sports- Faculty of Sport Science - University of Extremadura - Cáceres - Spain
  • José M. Gamonales Research Group in Optimization of Training and Performance Sports- Faculty of Sport Science - University of Extremadura - Cáceres - Spain
  • Mário C. Espada Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
  • Jesús Muñoz-Jiménez Research Group in Optimization of Training and Performance Sports- Faculty of Sport Science - University of Extremadura - Cáceres - Spain



adapted sport, ability, strategy, inclusion, wellbeing


Boccia, played by people with disabilities, is associated with a classification system based on the athletes' functional capacity, aiming to ensure that performance in this adapted sport is only determined by an athlete's sporting excellence. This study aimed to analyse the influence of classification on the performance of Boccia in international-level events. The official results of the 2012 and 2016 Boccia Paralympic Games (PG), 2017 European Championships (EC), and 2018 World Championships (WC) were considered for analysis, a total of 3.962 partials, which represent 47.544 ball throws by players. We found a growing trend of participation when comparing the PG editions and the 2017 EC and 2018 WC, and the majority of partials were adjusted (in the region of 75%, 1-2 balls difference), which indicates a global correct classification of players, which leads to equilibrium in the games. Differences based on the Boccia classification and the type of partial were only observed in individual BC3 and teams BC1 & BC2. These results highlight the need to further and deeper study these classes, characterized by rules related to teams´ constitution and game dynamics that differentiate them from other classes. This is relevant in the perspective of assurance of similar conditions for performance based in specific functional capacity and correct classification, guaranteeing that practice is attractive and motivating to improve the quality of life, opportunities for inclusion in society, and setting an example for other citizens with and without disabilities to get involved in playing Boccia.


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Author Biographies

  • Cátia C. Ferreira, Research Group in Optimization of Training and Performance Sports- Faculty of Sport Science - University of Extremadura - Cáceres - Spain

  • José M. Gamonales , Research Group in Optimization of Training and Performance Sports- Faculty of Sport Science - University of Extremadura - Cáceres - Spain

  • Mário C. Espada, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

  • Jesús Muñoz-Jiménez, Research Group in Optimization of Training and Performance Sports- Faculty of Sport Science - University of Extremadura - Cáceres - Spain


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How to Cite

The Influence of Boccia Classification on the Performance in International-level Events. (2025). E-Balonmano Com Journal Sports Science, 21(2), 277-290.