First Dunk Tournament of the Brazilian Women's Basketball League: Conclusions About the Height of the Hoop
Aro, Performance, impulsion, Physical AbilityAbstract
The variability and beauty of basketball's individual technical actions arise from the tactical needs imposed on players during the game, as an important part of the spectacle that positively impacts spectators and media. Among the many feints, throws, passes and layups, are the slam dunks, a notorious moment in the game, and also theme of specific events in men's basketball. In view of the realization of the 1st Slam Dunk Tournament during the 2018 LBF All Stars Games, the aim of the study was to determine the ideal hoop height for Brazilian female players to be able to slam dunk. We analyzed the height achieved in the progressive vertical jump test of 91 female players participating in the nine teams in the 2018 season. Findings suggest that 25% of the elite Brazilian male players slam dunk in official games. Thus, the criteria for defining the hoop height was that the same percentage of female players could slam dunk, considering the height reached on the test and the need to take the ball over the hoop. This resulted in 2.75 m as the height of the rim from the ground. Eight players participated in the event, four Brazilian and four Argentinian, and five of them managed to dunk. It should benoted that the height of the rim has not changed for the regular games of the season, and that this change may not imply the emergence of dunks in official matches, as the game dynamics are different from the dynamics in the Dunk Tournament and that the players need some time to adapt.
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