Agreement and reliability of a neuromuscular and cognitive test based on light stimuli to assess integrative reaction time in in sports


  • Randall Gutiérrez-Vargas Universidad Nacional
  • José Alexis Ugalde-Ramírez Universidad Nacional
  • Braulio Sánchez-Ureña Universidad Nacional
  • Ana Ulloa-Sandí Universidad Nacional
  • Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Vargas Universidad Nacional
  • Daniel Rojas-Valverde Universidad Nacional



reaction, assessment, cognition, team sport, test


Reaction in team sports involves a series of systemic processes integrating functions to develop a response considering situation, time and space. The aim of this study was to analyze the agreement and reliability of a neuromuscular and cognitive test based on light stimuli to assess integrative reaction time in sports. Fourteen active participants performed two sessions with 10 repetitions of the NeuroPhys Sport Reaction Test (NPSRT). The test showed moderate to almost perfect reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient= 0.53-0.81) and good agreement (Bland-Altman Method, BIAS= -0.0004-0.029) between sessions; there were no absolute mean differences between sessions (repeated measures t-test= p≤ 0.050) and presented moderate to high lineal correlations (Pearson r= 0.53-0.83, p≤ 0.05). The NPSRT could be considered as a reliable test to assess reaction time in team sports.


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How to Cite

Agreement and reliability of a neuromuscular and cognitive test based on light stimuli to assess integrative reaction time in in sports. (2020). E-Balonmano Com Journal Sports Science, 16(2), 119-126.