Relative age effect on amateur football in Cantabria (Spain)
RAE, soccer, amateurAbstract
The term Relative Age Effect (RAE) refers to the advantages youths born in the first half of the year have as compared to the ones born in the second half, as a result of their greater levels of physical, psychological and emotional maturity. The main purpose of this study was to verify if Relative Age Effect has an impact on amateur football or if its influence weakens as the level of the competition decreases. The sample comprised all 1488 players of the four existing amateur soccer leagues in Cantabria (3ªDivisión, n=379; Regional Preferente, n=357; Primera Regional, n=340; y Segunda Regional, n=412). The main outcomes revealed that RAE has little effect on playing positions when analyzed by quartiles, but a bigger effect is detected when analyzed by semesters. Furthermore, RAE also has an effect on competitive levels. RAE shows a clear effect on 3ªDivisión when analyzed by quartiles. In conclusion, Relative Age Effect has a minor impact on amateur soccer as compared to elite soccer.
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