Emotions, subjective well-being and gender in basketball learning in teacher education: a case study
Affectivity, sport, ethics, motor play, physical educationAbstract
The narrative study of emotions in Physical Education teacher training allows us to approach the associated personal and social meanings. The first objective of this research was to understand in a Chilean context the emotional meanings of university Physical Education students in their learning of basketball. Secondly, the objective was to interpret these emotional meanings from a gender perspective. A qualitative, interpretative, and phenomenological methodology was used. Four women and seven men from the Physical Education Pedagogy program at a private Chilean university in the Metropolitan Region participated in the study. The data were collected through personal diaries, which were subjected to a deductive-inductive content analysis with the Atlas.ti 22 program. The results show 14 categories referring to four positive emotions and six negative emotions for subjective well-being. There were nine shared and five separate categories between male and female gender. It is concluded that the recognized meanings can be used to favor subjective well-being by means of didactic adaptations in basketball learning.
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