Youth sport and the high performance competitive model: the case of the Goiás school handball championship


  • Adriana Luz Alencar Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Lucas Leonardo Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Tathyane Krahenbühl Universidade Federal de Goiás



Competition, School, High sports performance, School Sport


This study aims to identify how the practice of handball manifests itself in the scope of the championship organized by the Goiás School Sports Federation (FGDE) from the information obtained in official documents and by the perceptions of teachers and managers. This is a qualitative research with an exploratory character. The data were obtained from documentary research based on the regulation and normative documents, and semi-structured interviews conducted with five teachers and a leader. From the content analysis of the documents and interviews, we concluded that the competition is similar to high performance, aiming at performance, selecting athletes and promoting scholarships for the highlights, distancing themselves from the pedagogical and educational principles.


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How to Cite

Youth sport and the high performance competitive model: the case of the Goiás school handball championship. (2022). E-Balonmano Com Journal Sports Science, 18(2), 93-104.