Validation of two intervention programs for the learning of the alternative sport “The Rosquilla”
alternative invasion team sport, pedagogical models, expert judge, Aiken's V, Physical Education, pedagogical innovationAbstract
The validation of didactic programs according to a pedagogical model is essential to guarantee the quality of the tasks and their suitability to the methodological approach proposed. The aim of the study was to validate two intervention programmes, corresponding to two didactic units elaborated based on two different methodologies: Game-Centred Model and Hybrid Model of the Game-Centred Model and Sports Education Model, for the learning of an alternative invasion team sport called “the Rosquilla”. Two similar intervention programs were created, which had the same number of sessions, tasks, objectives, contents, and game phases. Nine expert judges participated in the validation process. Content validity was obtained through Aiken's V coefficient and its confidence intervals. Cronbach's α coefficient was used to calculate internal consistency. Eleven and twelve tasks were eliminated from the 60 tasks that made up the intervention programs, Game-Centred Model and Hybrid Model respectively, because they did not exceed the exact critical value (V ≥ .73). The internal consistency achieved by the tasks was excellent (α = .99). Therefore, both intervention programmes are considered valid and reliable for the learning of this alternative invasion sport, “the Rosquilla”. They can be used to compare the effects of both methodologies on students.
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