Nautical Education Programs in Compulsory Education in Spain: Systematic review
primary, secondary, trainning, nautical activities, meta-programAbstract
In recent years, nautical sports are gaining notoriety in the educational field, being able to demonstrate that they are a valuable tool for the integral development of students. However, there seems to be no scientific evidence on the development and effect of these in nautical education programs in Spain. Therefore, the objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of programs related to nautical education in primary and secondary education in Spain. In addition, to propose a meta-program in the line of this thematic. Based on these objectives, a search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Scopus, Dialnet, Web of Science and, subsequently, in Google Scholar and Google search engine, between 2008 and 2023 using the following keywords: "school program", "education", "nautical activities". The search results show that the main objectives of these programs are the promotion of nautical activities and sports and the knowledge of the environment itself. In terms of content, the use of sailing sports and other sports such as canoeing, windsurfing, kayaking or paddle surfing, which begin with theoretical classes, and later, practical classes.In conclusion, we have been able to verify that, at present, nautical sports are being used in the educational field, which has led us to make a meta-program where the most relevant information of the objectives, contents, methodology and evaluation is collected.
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