Evaluation of the effects of strength training with elastic bands in young handball players. Systematic review
handball, strength training, elastic bands, young players, physical performanceAbstract
Handball is a cooperation-opposition sport, mediated by a succession of throws, grabs, movements, and brief and intense actions. This sport requires the execution of various motor and technical-tactical actions involving specific strength components. The aim of this systematic review is to assess the effectiveness of strength training using elastic bands in young handball players. Following PRISMA guidelines, searches were conducted in the Pubmed, Dialnet, and Google Scholar databases. Five studies were selected that analyzed the effects of strength training using elastic bands in handball players aged between 13 and 26 years. The results obtained in this review show significant improvements in strength, power, and throwing speed, as well as in specific motor actions of handball. In conclusion, strength training with elastic bands in young handball players has positive impacts on increasing strength capacity, explosive strength, strength endurance, and muscle power. Similarly, it helps improve crucial aspects of sports performance, including throwing speed, movement, and specific game actions such as jumps and changes of direction and pace.
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