Validation of NECoSsGOT. An observation tool for the analysis of small-sided game situations during football competition
Observational methodology, instrument validation, soccer, SSGAbstract
The objective of this study has been to design and validate an ad hoc observational instrument called NECoSsGOT – Observation Tool for Small-sided Games with Numerical Equality in Competition. This tool allows for the identification and description of reduced-game situations and evaluates the data quality during football competitions. The study is framed within the observational methodology, implementing the observation instrument in the Lince software, version 1.2.2. Data analysis has been conducted using Cohen's Kappa coefficient and the Generalizability Theory. The results show a high reliability of the instrument, with Kappa values greater than 0.85 across all criteria, both in intra-observer analysis (observer 1 greater than 0.92; observer 2 greater than 0.87) and inter-observer analysis (greater than 0.92). Generalizability coefficients indicate a high precision reliability of generalization (e2= 0.982), supporting the instrument's validity. The NECoSsGOT observation tool allows for encoding the frequency, order, and duration of reduced-game situations in real football matches. Its validity and applicability are highlighted, suggesting its utility for coaches, analysts, and technical staff from training stages to elite levels. The tool can contribute to enhancing and guiding training proposals that better align with competitive reality.
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