Implementation of a holistic and educational approach in out of the school sport through Sport Education model
Pedagogical Models, Sports teaching, Soccer, Under 10s, PerceptionAbstract
This study aimed to analyse the perception of Under 10s players and their coach about the application of sport education (SE) model in a soccer club. Sample was 20 boys aged eight and nine years old and their coach. 15-session football program was designed and applied in accordance with the SE. A quasi-experimental study was designed with pre-test, post-test and re-test measuring. The variables analyzed were: (1) perception of the players through the Physical Education Season Survey questionnaire (post-test) and a discussion group (re-test) and (2) coach’s perception by means of three interviews (initial, intermediate and final). Players perceived a significant improvement in both game performance and value learning. They also pointed out the preference of the SE over a more traditional methodology. The coach positively valued the experience pointing out the educational potential in relation to the development of responsibilities and an approach that gives value to learning beyond the performance of the game. In conclusion, the SE is shown as an alternative to the traditional approach with great educational potential in the development of responsibilities and education from the competition in out of school sport activities.
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