The relative age effect on normo-stature and higher stature individuals in youth Brazilian basketball
relative age effect, high stature, BasketballAbstract
The objective of this study was to observe the Relative Age effect (RAE) on normo-stature athletes of high stature in different categories of male basketball in Brazil. The sample consisted of 1015 basketball players participating in the Brazilian Basketball Club Championships, organized by the Brazilian Basketball Confederation (CBB) and the Brazilian Club Committee (CBC). For the comparison of the RAE, using the Chi-Square test (X2) and Odds Ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The athletes are divided into five categories (U12, U13, U14, U16 and U18) and within these categories in normo-stature and of high stature. RAE were found in U12,13 14 and 16 categories. In U12, 13 and 16, RAE was present only in subjects of high stature, there was no RAE at U18. It can also be stated that individuals of high stature are selected at the lower ages because of the RAE, and that over the years this selection tends not to favor the higher ones.
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