Design and validity of a field test battery for assessing multi-location external load profile in invasion team sports
Invasion sports, neuromuscular load, assessmentAbstract
Currently, it exists a study increase related to the external load assessment through inertial devices in invasion team sports. The monitoring is has been performing in one anatomical location depending of the manufacturer recommendations. The challenge arises when the single location measurement does not detect the total load of the body and a multi-location assessment is required to accurately evaluate the athlete’s body workload. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to design and validate a field-test battery for external multi-location workload assessment in the most common displacements in invasion team sports. Five tests composed the battery that evaluate the following capacities/abilities: (a) aerobic, linear displacement; (b) lactic anaerobic capacity, acceleration and deceleration, (c) non-lactic anaerobic capacity, curvilinear displacement (d) elastic capacity, jump, (e) conditional physical capacity, small-sided games. Therefore, using this group of tests will provide the team staff with a global overview and an individualized multi-location workload profile of the athlete.
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