Basketball and Emotions: A systematic review


  • Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Universidad de Huelva
  • Víctor Hugo Duque Ramos Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Bartolomé Jesús Almagro Torres Universidad de Huelva
  • Cristina Conde García Universidad de Huelva



Sport, emotional state, emotional intelligence, research


Sport is an activity in which emotions reach a high intensity and importance. However, there is little evidence of this relationship. In the present work, a systematic review of the research articles that relate basketball and emotions was carried out with the objectives of describing the topics published in this line, analyzing the importance of emotions in this sport and proposing lines of research in this subject. We searched the Web of Science (WoS) database from 2008 to 2017 using the following keywords: "basketball" and "emotion". After the systematic review of each document, 22 articles were selected that were categorized to analyze their content. Among the results, it is highlighted that the majority focused on athletes, competition and performance. More than a dozen emotional variables have been studied, with special focus on leadership or emotional state. The relative scarcity of research on the subject is confirmed. It is proposed to increase the number of researches, especially in the training categories and in coaches.


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How to Cite

Basketball and Emotions: A systematic review. (2020). E-Balonmano Com Journal Sports Science, 16(1), 73-84.