Longitudinal analysis of the effect of sedentary behaviour on body composition, physical condition, and academic performance in preadolescents and adolescents
physical activity, academic performance, physical fitness and body composition, preadolescents , adolescentsAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of sedentary lifestyles on body composition, physical function and academic performance throughout primary and secondary school. The sample included 70 children assessed over 5 years. Data were obtained on body composition (Body Mass Index, Waist Hip Index, % body fat and % muscle mass), physical performance (long jump, high jump, agility test or Tapping Test, Cooper Test, manual pressure) and academic performance in each subject studied in both educational stages. The results showed that the older the age, the higher the number of students with sedentary behaviour, the worse the physical condition, and also the academic performance is affected by these sedentary behaviours and physical inactivity.
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