Design, validation and evaluation of the training programme for teachers: Emotional and Motivational Climate in the classroom (CEYM)
Content validity, Internal consistency, Training, TeachersAbstract
The climate generated by teachers is related to positive consequences in the school context. Given the lack of training in this area, we decided to design, validate and evaluate an intervention programme on emotional and motivational climate for teachers. Firstly, the programme was designed through a nominal group of seven experts. Secondly, its content was validated and its internal consistency was analysed through the opinion of 25 experts. Finally, the programme was applied by assessing the improvement of the emotional and motivational climate through specific observation tools for this purpose. The programme consists of a series of trainings that provide teachers with strategies and resources that can be applied in the classroom. The results have shown that the "Emotional and Motivational Climate-CEYM" programme is a valid and reliable training proposal for improving the emotional and motivational climate generated by teachers.
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