Youth participation in sport in a context of vulnerability: perception of positive and negative experiences
Sport participation, Youth, Positive development, Social vulnerability, Sport pedagogyResumo
Abstract - Aim: A growing body of research has investigated the participation of youth in sport in the context of vulnerability and often associated with a variety of positive experiences. However, the experience perceived by young people in sport in these contexts is not well understood. The aim of the present study was to understand feelings experienced by young people, which are associated with sports participation in the extracurricular program. Methods: This is a qualitative, exploratory and interpretive study. Participants in the study were young adults (n=11) who participated in Programa Segundo Tempo (PST) [Second Half Program] when they were youth, and were from five municipalities of different states having the longest partnership with the Ministry of Sports (seven consecutive years). Data were collected from interviews held with a digital video recorder. Results: The feelings experienced by an individual performing an activity are one of the main forces involved in the process of positive development. A predominance of positive experiences was found regarding activity, individual, and family. Negative experiences were associated with socio-structural factors and the coaches. Conclusions: For these young people, sports participation triggered feelings and processes that belong to the scope of person-context interactions, principally of the nature of: activity, the coach’s role, and family participation.
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